Living Well

Posts Tagged ‘Flash Forward


Whatever kind of year you are having, making the best of it is always a good strategy.



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One of the best resources for gaining support is social media.

it’s important not to get drawn into the games, either literal games or the games people play.

But find the right groups that you share the group interest and the group is more than merely a place to post links.

the best groups are interactive and you can develop very meaningful support systems, often transitioning people from online names to oneline friends and maybe even in person pals.

Certainly, I have been involved in online groups for many years, starting with and then

Sometimes when you cant’ communicate in person with people anymore, reducing the conversation down to just the literal words on the screen. Well, let’s just say that I wouldn’t be writing this today without the help of many people in my online community group of writers and people who have become my friend this year on facebook.

here’s a sample from one of my favorite support groups of the ones I visit regularly. We each provide health information from a holistic and all round manner from stress reduction to healthy food and lifestyle choices.

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