Living Well

Posts Tagged ‘vegan


Vegan Lunchbox: Easy Hummus Spiral Wraps.

Posted by Kathy on 2/22/2011

These Easy Hummus Spiral Wraps are the perfect lunchbox filler to pack for yourself, your kids or your spouse. I call these snazzy spirals “lunchbox lavash” because they are made with lavash wrap – a type of roll-able, thin wheat flat bread.

And this recipe doesn’t get any easier. Just spread, roll and slice your way to a happy lunchbox.

Fun Finger Food. These dainty spirals remind me of being at a party or a wedding (remember how trendy these were back in the 90’s?) I do! But back then they were filled with turkey, creamy cheese or mayo spreads and maybe a few veggies. So I’ve veganized. Get this easy recipe and make it your own!..

Like I said, make this recipe your own! The basic concept is that the hummus bean spread is your “glue” and your filling ingredients make the recipe! You can add anything and everything your hungry tummy desires: lettuce, carrots, avocado, peppers, onions, edamame, spinach, fennel, radishes, corn, tahini, olive oil, a splash of vinegar or lemon juice, thinly sliced tofu or whatever you want.

You can keep the roll long if you’d like, but really the fun part is slicing it up into little bites – they kinda remind me of veggie-Americana sushi rolls.

Healthy too! Each lavash wrap has 220 calories, 8g protein and is fat free. Fill them with healthy veggies and legumes and you are “on a roll” ..sorry, I had to.

Super easy, just toss those ingredients on, roll and slice!..

The last time I made these wraps I did Bullseye Spiral Wraps (soy cream cheese and roasted red peppers) super yummy. And here’s the recipe I used today..

Today’s Easy Hummus Spiral Wrap Ingredients:

2-3 Tbsp Roasted Red Pepper Spread
handful of shredded carrots
handful of baby spinach
splash of lemon juice/olive oil
fresh ground pepper
edamame soy beans
avocado slices

How To:

* Spread the hummus.

* Add the ingredients in a thinly spread layer – distribute evenly.

* Roll up your lavash bread wrap – tightly. Slice into 1 inch thick rounds. Serve.

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Disease Prevention Benefits of Going Vegan

Eating a healthy vegan diet has shown to prevent a number of diseases. Find out from the list below what you could potentially avoid just by switching to a healthy, balanced vegan way of eating.

– Cardiovascular disease. Eating nuts and whole grains, while eliminating dairy products and meat, will improve your cardiovascular health. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Vegan diets go far in preventing heart attack and stroke.

– Cholesterol. Eliminating any food that comes from an animal and you will eliminate all dietary cholesterol from your diet. Your heart will thank you for that.

– Blood pressure. A diet rich in whole grains is beneficial to your health in many ways, including lowering high blood pressure.

– Type 2 diabetes. Not only is a vegan diet a weapon against Type 2 diabetes, it is also “easier to follow than the standard diet recommended by the American Diabetic Association.”

– Prostate cancer. A major study showed that men in the early stages of prostate cancer who switched to a vegan diet either stopped the progress of the cancer or may have even reversed the illness.

– Colon cancer. Eating a diet consisting of whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, can greatly reduce your chances of colon cancer.

– Breast cancer. Countries where women eat very little meat and animal products have a much lower rate of breast cancer than do the women in countries that consume more animal products.

– Macular degeneration. Diets with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes, can help prevent the onset of age-related macular degeneration.

– Cataracts. Much the same way macular degeneration is headed off by a vegan diet, cataracts are also thought to be prevented through the intake of the same fruits and vegetables. Produce high in antioxidants are also believed to help prevent cataracts.

– Arthritis. Eliminating dairy consumption has long been connected with alleviating arthritis symptoms, but a new study indicates that a combination of gluten-free and vegan diet is very promising for improving the health of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

– Osteoporosis. Bone health depends on a balance of neither too much or too little protein, adequate calcium intake, high potassium, and low sodium. With a healthy vegan diet, all four of these points set a perfect scenario for preventing osteoporosis.


Pistachio Almond Cardamom Pepper Kulfi (Ice Cream) vegan glutenfree

Last 2 weeks, I have been in a kind of a funk. Not much inspiration in the kitchen and just generally overwhelmed with work. And the rainy cold seattle isnt helping. I need some sunlight and some good food(not cooked by me). If anyone s willing to come over with delicious food, drop by. I promise I will return the favor with a lot of goodies a bit later!:)

Now you know why there are not many ice cream or Spritzer posts this season yet. I am sitting inside a comforter typing up this post!. Brrrrr..
Also, Facebook is changing up a lot of things and proving That- its all about the money. Cue song!
Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm affects what users see in their Newsfeed and currently only 25-30% fans see the page updates on their feed.
Facebook knows better than you do what you would like to see on your Wall(:/) and hence this new feature where page owners can pay to increase visibility. 😦

To make sure you see your favorite Facebook page feed
1. ** You can bypass their Egderank algo by adding Pages to fb lists! ** (To add to a List, Click the arrow on the right of the “Message” tab on each page, and create new list or add to existing list, which will always display all posts by the page. More details about FB Lists here
2. If users comment, like, or share, more items from a particular page, then the page is more likely to appear in their Newsfeed.
3. Ensure that when you hover the “Liked” button on top right of the FB page, it has a check mark on “Show in News feed”.

I guess I need to learn to use my other social media options equally. You can also find me on Twitter, Pinterest, subscribe to the blog via feedburner or Email( right side bar), just in case Fb changes up things in the future. 🙂
Now to the Ice cream.
Kulfi is a dense unwhipped ice cream from the Indian subcontinent. The age old way of making kulfi involved slow cooking whole milk till it reduced to half and very thick consistency, then freezing it in molds kept in a mixture of ice and salt in an earthenware(matka) for the soft frozen texture. No Ice-maker needed.
I mean seriously, I just dont get how thoughtlessly we have been using huge amounts of dairy since ages. Did you know, That it takes
– 10 pounds of milk to make 1 pound of cheese
– 10-12 pounds of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream
– 21 pounds of milk to make 1 pound of butter
– 28+ pounds of milk to make 1 pound of ghee(clarified butter)
Milk from the cow is for the calf to becomes a 1000 lb , slow moving, plant eating ,cow/bull. Dont even get me started about the atrocities done to the sweet and humble animals like cows and buffaloes to be able to steal that dairy.
This Ice cream however, is a dairy free, deliciously good, spiced Kulfi. With pistachios, almonds and almond milk, cardamom and pepper. You can change up the nuts, add flavors like mango or thick strawberry puree, rose essence, saffron strands, or even chocolate! Or add some candied ginger and coat it in some ginger snap crumbles. blisssss . What is your favorite icecream apart from the regular flavors.
Please Vote for this recipe(Pistachio Almond Pepper Ice cream) in this week’s So Delicious® Dairy Free SO Much to Love Giveaway! 3rd row, 2nd picture.
You can vote everyday till Sunday and will be entered to win daily prizes, and if my recipe gets the most votes, you’ll be entered to win a great weekly prize. Thanks a bunch!:)
Melt on me now!
3 Tablespoons raw Pistachios
1 Tablespoon raw almonds
1/2 cup So Delicious Almond plus or any nut milk(or make your own nut milk)
2 teaspoons cornstarch or any thickening starch (or 1 Tablespoon ground cashew)
1/8 teaspoon cardamom powder
a pinch of saffron(optional)
2-4 Tablespoons raw sugar, powdered ( to taste)
For variations: Add a pinch of black pepper, or a Tablespoons of chopped dark chocolate, or a Tablespoon of ginger snap crumbs/crystallized ginger.
Grind the Pistachios and then the almonds into as fine a powder as possible.(some of it may become buttery, which is fine)
In a blender, add the ground Pistachios and almonds, cornstarch, raw sugar, spices and Almond milk.
Blend well until the mixture is well combined.
Transfer mix to a pan and bring to just about a boil on low-medium heat, stirring almost constantly.
Or microwave for 30 seconds. Stir and microwave for 30 seconds again(it should bubble slightly).
The mixture will thicken at just about the boiling stage. Add a few tsp more nuts flour(pistachio/amond or cashew) if you like it the kulfi really thick. If adding cashew, then bring to a boil.
Take off heat. Let cool a bit. Taste and adjust sugar.
Add in the pepper/chocolate chips/candied ginger, mix , then transfer to Popsicle, Kulfi, or icecream molds or ramekins.
Cover the open molds/ramekins with aluminium foil and let freeze overnight.
Let the popsicles or molds sit out or dip in warm-hot water to take the frozen icecream out.
Serve as is, or in a parfait with fresh mango and ginger snap crumbs.
Or drizzle some salted caramel or peppered sugar syrup.

Iron in the Vegan Diet

by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.

Topics in this article:


Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.

Heme vs. Non-heme Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient because it is a central part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiency anemia is a worldwide health problem that is especially common in young women and in children.

Iron is found in food in two forms, heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron, which makes up 40 percent of the iron in meat, poultry, and fish, is well absorbed. Non-heme iron, 60 percent of the iron in animal tissue and all the iron in plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts) is less well absorbed. Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians (including vegans) than for non-vegetarians. The RDA for iron is 14 milligrams per day for vegetarian men and for women after menopause, and 33 milligrams per day for women prior to menopause 1.

Iron Status in Vegans

Some might expect that since the vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores 3.

The reason for the satisfactory iron status of many vegans may be that commonly eaten foods are high in iron, as Table 1 shows. In fact, if the amount of iron in these foods is expressed as milligrams of iron per 100 calories, many foods eaten by vegans are superior to animal-derived foods. This concept is illustrated in Table 2. For example, you would have to eat more than 1700 calories of sirloin steak to get the same amount of iron as found in 100 calories of spinach.

Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron 4.

Fortunately, many vegetables, such as broccoli and bok choy, which are high in iron, are also high in vitamin C so that the iron in these foods is very well absorbed. Commonly eaten combinations, such as beans and tomato sauce or stir-fried tofu and broccoli, also result in generous levels of iron absorption.

It is easy to obtain iron on a vegan diet. Table 3 shows several menus that would meet the RDA for iron.

Both calcium and tannins (found in tea and coffee) reduce iron absorption. Tea, coffee, and calcium supplements should be used several hours before a meal that is high in iron 5.

Table 1: Iron Content of Selected Vegan Foods
Food Amount Iron (mg)
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 8.8
Blackstrap molasses 2 Tbsp 7.2
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 6.6
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 6.4
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 6.3
Tofu 4 ounces 6.0
Bagel, enriched 3 ounces 5.2
Tempeh 1 cup 4.8
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 4.4
Swiss chard, cooked 1 cup 4.0
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 3.6
Pinto beans, cooked 1 cup 3.5
Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 3.2
Chickpeas, cooked 1 cup 3.2
Potato 1 large 3.2
Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup 3.0
Prune juice 8 ounces 3.0
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 2.7
Tahini 2 Tbsp 2.7
Veggie hot dog 1 hot dog 2.7
Peas, cooked 1 cup 2.5
Black-eyed peas, cooked 1 cup 2.3
Cashews 1/4 cup 2.1
Brussels sprouts, cooked 1 cup 1.9
Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 1.8
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup 1.7
Raisins 1/2 cup 1.6
Almonds 1/4 cup 1.5
Apricots, dried 15 halves 1.4
Veggie burger, commercial 1 patty 1.4
Watermelon 1/8 medium 1.4
Soy yogurt 6 ounces 1.1
Tomato juice 8 ounces 1.0
Green beans, cooked 1 cup 1.2
Kale, cooked 1 cup 1.2
Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup 1.2
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 1.1
Millet, cooked 1 cup 1.1
Sesame seeds 2 Tbsp 1.0
Sources: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18, 2005 and Manufacturer’s information.

The RDA for iron for vegetarians is 14 mg/day for adult men and for post-menopausal women and 33 mg/day for pre-menopausal women.


Table 2: Comparison of Iron Sources
Food Iron
(mg/100 calories)
Spinach, cooked 15.7
Collard greens, cooked 3.1
Lentils, cooked 2.9
Broccoli, cooked 1.9
Hamburger, lean, broiled 1.2
Chickpeas, cooked 1.1
Sirloin steak, choice, broiled 0.9
Chicken, breast roasted, no skin 0.6
Pork chop, pan fried 0.4
Flounder, baked 0.3
Milk, skim 0.1
Note that the top iron sources are vegan.


Table 3: Sample Menus Providing
Generous Amounts of Iron
Iron (mg)
1 serving Oatmeal Plus (p. 23) 3.8
1 serving Tempeh/Rice Pocket Sandwich (p. 94) 4.7
15 Dried Apricots 1.4
1 serving Black-Eyed Peas and Collards (p. 76) 2.1
1 serving Corn Bread (p. 21) 2.6
1 slice Watermelon 1.4
TOTAL 16.0

Cereal with 8 ounce of Soy Milk 1.5
1 serving Creamy Lentil Soup (p. 49) 6.0
1/4 cup Sunflower Seeds 1.2
1/2 cup Raisins 1.6
1 serving Spicy Sautéed Tofu with Peas (p. 103) 14.0
1 cup Bulgur 1.7
1 cup Spinach 6.4
sprinkled with
2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds 1.0
TOTAL 33.4
Additional foods should be added to these menus to provide adequate calories and to meet requirements for nutrients besides iron.


  1. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001.
  2. Haddad EH, Berk LS, Kettering JD, Hubbard RW, Peters WR. Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70(suppl):586S-93S.
  3. Obeid R, Geisel J, Schorr H, et al. The impact of vegetarianism on some haematological parameters. Eur J Haematol. 2002;69:275-9.
  4. Hallberg L. Bioavailability of dietary iron in man. Ann Rev Nutr 1981;1:123-147.
  5. Gleerup A, Rossander Hulthen L, Gramatkovski E, et al. Iron absorption from the whole diet: comparison of the effect of two different distributions of daily calcium intake. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:97-104.

SIMPLY VEGAN COVER This article originally appeared in the book Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals by Debra Wasserman. Nutrition section by Reed Mangels Ph.D., R.D. (ISBN 0-931411-30-0)

Chocolate and Blonde Macaroons ~ Raw Vegan Recipe

 24 pieces ~ $.58 each



  • 1 cup almonds ($2.00)
  • 1 cups brazil nuts ($2.32)
  • 20 dates ($8.00)
  • 1 cup finely shredded coconut ($1.20)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa or cacao powder ($.30)
  • 1 tsp vanilla ($.20)

I have yet to come up with or run across a raw food recipe that’s not fast and easy. These are no exception.

In a food processor with an S blade, process all ingredients, except the cocoa powder, until finely chopped and it all starts to clump together. This takes a minute or two.

Using a plastic rounded tablespoon or melon scooper, scoop out and press to make a half sphere. Use half the mixture to make regular coconut macaroons. Add the cocoa or cacao powder to the remaining mixture and process until well incorporated and then shape with the tablespoon or scooper.



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